Ski Inn – Girdwood, Alaska

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I check in when I arrive?

The check-in process is automated (self-check-in) and super simple. Make sure you check your email for specific directions including the code for the front door. Don’t lose this email it has everything you need to know in it.

Also, remember your room code is your 7 digit phone number (minus your area code)you used to book.

How do I get into the front door if it’s locked?

Check your confirmation email for the front door code. Try the handle before typing in the code, as the door is usually unlocked during the day.

How do I get into my room?

Your room code will be the 7 digit phone number (no area code) that you used to book your stay. Example: 555-5555. Simply swipe the digital face of the lock from top to bottom to wake it up, enter your code then push the button that appears as a fingerprint.

In the event of a room lockout, please contact the phone number provided next to the front desk. If a second lockout requires assistance, guest will be charged a $30 fee.

How do I connect to the internet?

All the information you will need to know for your stay (ie wifi/ password etc) will be provided on the front page of the binder in your room on the bed.

How do I checkout?

When checking out, please leave room door open so housekeeping knows you have checked out.

What is the Cancellation Policy?

Guests who cancel 5 days or more before 6:00 PM AKST on the day of check-in will receive a full refund. Guests who cancel less than 5 days after 6:00 PM AKST on the day of check-in (including no-shows or surrounding business seasonal closures) are charged 1 night plus tax.

If I have boxes of frozen fish, can you store them?

Yes, we offer complimentary fish storage with your stay.

Is the Ski Inn Dog friendly?

Yes, we allow pets on the first floor only for a small additional charge ($25).
Our first floor rooms are:

  • Park View
  • Chugach Room
  • Ski View